Thursday, April 14, 2022

I'm sorry
I got drunk and fell asleep without telling you I love you
I do
Very much

I dreamed I was in college
and I decided not to go to class
I needed a mental health day, I said
I went to some dark room where you sit on the floor and they show movies or something
Some girl came in
there were a bunch of us sitting on the floor
she had samples of some new kind of candy
it was these little hard cases
shaped like bugs
and you open them and take out pieces of the bug
the texture is between gummies and jellies
fruit flavored
these are really great, I said

there's a guy
who I don't think I was dating or anything
but we were definitely more than friends
and he had this house
it was smaller than normal
like a mobile home
kind of
but also
kind of like a toy house
and he wanted me to buy it
because he loved it, but couldn't keep it
and if I bought it
he'd still kind of have it