Thursday, March 17, 2022

 also eyes, generally

but the color of your eyes is very unusual

very very cool brown almost a hint of very dark water

hofheinz pavilion was very cool

it's not, apparently, called that anymore

i guess i'm old

they've renamed everything i grew up calling everything

i registered there

i did drop and add there several times

i even walked graduation there

i never saw a game

i think i might have been entitled to some number of free tickets

at least the first few years

it was a commuter campus

and i was for sure a commuter student

working and going to school

i never saw any sports game ever from 1985-1994

i'm trying to remember what i did see

i remember going to hear terry gilliam talk about brazil

i remember going to some blaffer gallery shows

but not what they were

i remember seeing a fair number of classical music recitals

i heard susan sontag talk about aids metaphors

but that was at rice

and i didn't get to see her

because my aunt joan was in the hospital at that time

i went to see her first and told her when i had to leave, and why

but she was very passive aggressive at that time

and made me be late

so i had to sit in the whatever they call it room with a speaker

i heard it

she was pretty amazing

i used to get elevator sick

not for a couple stories

but the hospitals have like a bunch of stories

and i used to beg her to let me do all the errands at once

so i wouldn't get sick

but she always made me do like three different trips


i got over the elevator sickness

so all's well that ends well, i guess

i'm confident i did more than that

extra curricular on campus


once i left for the day i didn't come back

and i very rarely went to campus if i didn't have class that day


i really didn't get that movie version college experience

it was mostly classes

and library

i loved that library

my alarm just went off

and i took three melatonin again

maybe tonight i will sleep through

or only get up once

that would be awesome

i have lovely dark circles under my eyes

and i don't usually

goodnight sweetheart

i love you very much