Saturday, March 19, 2022

I had a bad dream
I was working at I think it was a coffee shop
No I had a bunch of weird life stuff happen that I can't remember
And I ended up somehow I think taking Bob back home but I don't understand I don't remember the context for that
But it was to the house that I used to live in with my mom and Bob when I was a teenager and an early 20s
And then I had to go to work I realized I had to go to work and I was looking at a schedule and I thought I had worked the whole schedule for the week but the previous Saturday
And I'm not sure what day we were on now
And it wasn't on the schedule so I'm not sure how I knew when I was supposed to be there
But the previous Saturday apparently I was supposed to work at 2:00 had two shifts on two different schedules so maybe I was working at two different branches

But the first shift was from 8:00 to 10:15 in the morning I was supposed to work the Christmas parade and then from 10:00 until I don't know 2:00 or something I was supposed to work at the other location

But somehow even though it was printed on the schedule I hadn't known about it and hadn't gone
and then again I don't know how I knew what time I was supposed to be there that day
But I figured I was supposed to be there like that particular minute like there was no way for me to get there on time so I was going to be late and I hadn't worked on Saturday so was there even any point in my going or was I just fired

So I walked out and then my car was not there

Oh I forgot as I walked down the stairs this thing's weird round bug thing was laying on the floor and then it jumped up and landed on my leg and was stinging and burning me and it had suckers and so I had a hard time getting it off my leg but I pride it off and then I went outside and my car wasn't there

So I came back in and I knocked on the door and for some reason I was going back down the stairs Bob came out and he was in his underwear
And I was like could you just give me a ride to work it's just down the street it won't take very long at all and he just kind of stared at me and I'm like I'm supposed to be there now
And he's like well can't you take a bus or something and I'm like well yes but then I'll be really really late and he's like well that's just kind of the way things work I guess and he went back inside

I did that round bug soccer thing stole me again and I pride it off and I went back outside and I was like and I think I was kind of hurrying because I didn't know whatever it was to fly after me and sting me again because now my leg really hurt
But I got outside and I looked down at my clothes and I was not in dress code
I had on an olive drab skirt which maybe if somebody was wanting to be super too perflexible they might have let pass for khaki but probably not
But then the shirt I had on was this kind of warm brownie peachy cognac kind of color there's no way that would be allowed to pass

But there was also a whole other section where there had been an event the year before not like an event at the coffee shop but like an event where these people I don't know did they come into the coffee shop I don't know I don't know what the event was
But there were a bunch of baseball players and they were supposed to be coming back hey do you remember me from last year something I don't know I don't understand why I was texting him I don't know if I was trying to flirt with him or if I was trying to sell him something if I was trying to get a job I don't know I had some ulterior motive but I don't remember what it was but it was weird I don't know how I had their numbers

So that at the end I was like
I was going to be super late and they were at least two shifts that I hadn't previously shown up for and I was going to be out of dress code and it was just should I bother to go just so I can get fired

It was kind of upsetting
But the thing is is that I didn't really want to work there and I wasn't all that upset about getting fired
I don't know it wasn't a good dream but I'm very kind of discombobulated if I had hurts and I'm super congested and I didn't even take any melatonin