woke up
with a terrible headache
still have it
I've had some coffee
I've taken a shower
washed my hair
watched several youtuber's
winter day and night skincare routines
petted the cat
ate oatmeal
not necessarily in that order
gathered some laundry
the amount I'm likely to do today
I got some errands
I really intended to tell you
some of the weird images
from recent dreams
walking on all fours on the sand
driving a car and when I said I liked it
being told it was an Alfa Romeo
going on some college trip
sleeping in room long beds
with lots of other students
trying to keep straight which
packets of moisturizer were mine
there were lots more
and they're all new symbology
or new variants
the kind of stuff I'm used to
don't know what that all means
wish I could laze around with you a little
wish I had a neck and shoulder massage
do you do that?
are you good at it?
I would be the happiest woman alive
right now
if I just had that