Monday, October 10, 2016

ok, so possibly i have offended you with my outlier opinion

but whatever
men and women have baggage
if we are going to hold everyone accountable
for every nervous bullshit attempt at humor
for their entire life
I think
he's said enough stuff
right now
in public
that we can take umbrage with

when you are dealing with men
you may not get this
you've got to take their generation into account

I'm much more offended by things
people have actually done
that by shit they said

it was interesting to note how
disconnected he is
like thinking that "locker room banter"
will play with anyone

having that press conference
that was weird
and having them all sit there in the room
I'm guessing
to rattle, or threaten Hilary
it's not good taste, for sure
it's beyond that

I mean, maybe he's trying to underscore
hey I just said some stupid shit
this guy actually harassed these women
except bill isn't the one running
I think
he was trying to say
that Hilary harassed them too
smearing them
victim blaming, maybe
cover up, for sure
it's a shame
he is so inarticulate
because he really did not make his case
he just came off really kinda creepy to me

maybe it was supposed to be
like an arms race
you talk about me
well I brought the big guns

it just was kinda cluster-fuck
I mean, he did better than the first one
but Hilary didn't
I can't really call a winner
I guess you'd have to say she won
it didn't really feel like that
because I don't see that she accomplished anything

I still wish it was possible
to not end up with either one of these jokers

she can get things done
I believe that
I just don't trust her to do things I agree with

I should just suck it up
and say
first woman president

bought and sold
she voted for the war and is, I believe
a hawk generally
she just represents a lot of stuff I really don't like
I was leaning toward not voting
for the first time
that seems wrong too
if I'm disillusioning you
I'm sorry