Tuesday, April 19, 2016

it's a strange relationship

with buzz
it was like he recognized me
when he first saw me
and there was a kind of love at first sight thing goin on
with Neptune
it's not like that
he's sweet
he likes affection
he seems very smart
and it's like
we're learning what the other one likes
and trying to adapt to it
I guess it isn't really weird
I guess it's good
maybe not what I'm used to
for instance
he doesn't like to eat from bowls
he likes plates
he somehow managed to communicate that
probably his foster mother fed him on paper plates
he can smell buzz
and it makes him nervous
he found the shoes that I bought
since buzz
and those are his
he has found the only spots buzz never really sat in
and those are the spots he likes
he said likes to be coaxed to eat
like shmee did
he knows and answers to his name
which he can't have had more than
a couple months at most
he's a good cat
 he doesn't feel like my long lost friend
he wants me to be happy
that's more than you have a right to expect
from a cat
he lifts up his paw
in this way that piglet used to
I'm sure it means something different
and his tail
probably transmitting signals to space
it is thin
and pointy
and, actually, not the kind of wide rudder cheetah tail that i find so beautiful
it is so so very active
and he does this straight up and vibrating thing
that looks like a space antenna
I swear
I think
he's gonna be a good friend
and I'm gonna enjoy learning what all his signals mean
I'm sleeping better, already