Friday, September 4, 2015

i love you sweetheart

I'm cycling back
I'm gonna try to get up extra early
the next couple days
because I've got one of those promo change
weeks next week
but I switched some stuff already
so, maybe
maybe it won't go so rough

I've been toying with the idea
of doing another BRIEF bout of gotu kola
but not right this minute
I'm doing really well
I can't really tell that the ho shou wu did anything
or the pine bark extract
the noni seems good
turns out to be an abortificant
probably won't be on the list
I think the boswellia works
horse chestnut, definitely
I can't find anything else
that repairs tissue
and build collagen like the gotu kola
and i still have a little scar tissue on the outside
I'm sure I'm not fixed on the inside either
I don't want to be psychotic
I'm gonna keep looking
I really don't know why it had that effect
on me
nowhere does it list
mood swings as a side effect

I'll warn you if I do
and I'll do radio silence
if necessary

I wish
I could hug you
and kiss you
and stuff

I got a real estate book
before I spent money on course work
it's really not that interesting
I'm not really any further along
with the financing
I am healthier though, I think
so that's something
I wish
I wish
if wishes were fishes
one fish, two fish