Monday, July 27, 2015

i love uou sweetheart

I hope you are having
a really great day

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

slept just fine

didn't even need melatonin

going to bed now

presumptuous people

my manager just told me
you're not gonna sleep at all tonight
worrying that you'll oversleep

uh, whatever
first of all, don't I do this overnight thing
like every 6-8 weeks
second of all, isn't this like my 5th inventory here
much less anywhere else
third of all, I don't really care about this job anymore
and even if I overslept
I'd at worst get 1 point
I'll sleep just fine
and if I can't
I'll take 1/2 a melatonin
I can't take more than half or I won't wake up
stuff affects me strongly
I have more to tell you
when I get a chance
rant, mostly

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

this is why i don't take pharmaceuticals

i really really really wish

that we were alone together
right now
might be
that I'm just riled from all the
stuff in taking
but, damn
of course
we might be weird and afraid
if we were actually actually together
all I can think about
is how much I want you to hold me
I want to nibble your ears
I want to kiss you until my lips melt
and if i did any of that
I would want you in me
it's all that other stuff
I'm trying to focus on
I'm having trouble working
maybe I need to cut back on something
before I lose my fucking mind

Monday, July 20, 2015

i hope that didn't weird you out

I don't really see why it would
now I'm paranoid
I want you
I think you're pretty hot

please be in my dreams tonight
I'd rather kiss you
I promise not to hurt you
if I could bite, just a little, I'd really
like it

i had a weird sex dream

the guy was someone
I knew him in the dream
but I don't in real life
he looked like one of those underwear models
in fairness
I don't think I was actually me
it's probably not cheating on dreams
and my alarm went off before
I could do much anyway
I kissed him
and I bit his facial stubble
and pulled it with my teeth
which was very very hot
I was going to whip him
with a really impressive bullwhip
like I said
didn't get that far

Sunday, July 19, 2015

for the record, what stuff tastes like

baobab is tasty
amla is pretty bad
I've been having a problem
with tasting things
I don't know if it's all the supplements
if there's something just really wrong with me
and, if it doesn't stop, I might go to the doctor
I find them pretty useless
and expensive
and I don't believe in them, generally
so maybe I am a hippie, dunno
but for it seemed like a week
everything tasted like metallic sand
and i figured it was the emergen-C
because I was taking a really seriously don't get sick formula that was FULL of zinc
and of course
I was taking a BUNCH of it
but, I've stopped
and I still have problems with
astringent and sour, for sure
and I'm not sure anything
is back to baseline normal

I'm just telling you this
ya know
just because
not because I want to freak you out
or have you do something about it
you just like to know what's going on with me
and that's what's going on
I've got inventory next week
so hours might be weird

I love you
don't freak out
I'm gonna be fine

I'm making baked ziti
I love baked ziti
I really hope I can taste it
the avocados have been great
I'm going on my second straight week
of every day

I maybe should br more worried
I figure
I'll probably lose weight
is that the wrong way to think?
if it drags on
I'll be more worried
I promise
but it's getting better

did I just go on about that
so long
that I made you worried
cause that was NOT my intention

Saturday, July 18, 2015

i want to ask you a question in all seriousness

my issues
with health and money aside
the coast is never gonna be clear
why should I not lose hope
or give up
just decide that you
want me, but don't want
to change anything
don't misunderstand me
I'm not asking you this
like all judgy and accusatory
I really want to know
what you think I should be thinking
not the pretty happy picture
but like the real real truth of it man

can you understand what I'm asking you
in the spirit that I'm asking
ya know

I need to understand
the big picture
and you need to understand
that I AM a woman

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

whatever you are doing this morning

it is arousing me
what are you doing
I really wanna know
are you thinking about me
are you trying to do things specifically to me
are you having sex with her
I wonder
what is the thing that does this

Monday, July 13, 2015


so I ordered some stuff from vitacost
which I haven't ever done before
I wanted dragon herbs he shou wu
and that seemed to be the cheapest place to get it
but while I was there
I also ordered pine bark extract
and rosehips
but vitacost brand
which gives me pause
but the price was great
and the bodybuilder forums seemed to indicate
that people were happy with their products
granted, not those specifically
but they have a 100% money back guarantee
so they probably make it good enough
ya know
or they'd lose money
also baobab powder

so I still have some stuff i need
I'm well on my way
to the new protocol

msm with superfruit blend powder
pine bark extract
oh, probably horse chestnut too
I think that's it
oh, maybe chlorella
I already have some of that
I'm gonna have an avocado for lunch
every day until I can't do it anymore

Saturday, July 11, 2015

i found a replacement

pine bark extract
used to be pycnogenol
which I used to take semi-regularly
back in the day
I think because Spalding Gray said he was taking it
it was more expensive then
but now there's generic pine bark
if I just make sure it's French maritime pine
I should be good
also ho shu wu
I'm gonna stop taking hawthorn, I think
and up the horse chestnut
but I'm trying to get
with multi purpose

I'm gonna be healthy damn it
and if I can't lift thousands of pounds in a day
and walk back and forth
a zillion times
then I not healthy
you can still rescue me from this
any time now

i stopped taking the gotu kola

I was near the end of a bottle
and i was doing a lot better
and I was gonna have a rough week
I thought
hey, maybe don't make it harder

but it's all out of my system
I found out it's fertility suppressive too
I'm not gonna take it any more
but I wanted to check

we didn't break up, did we
while I was crazy

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

i'm trying to compose a superfruit powder

I wish I knew what baobab tastes like
really it doesn't matter
because I'm gonna mix it with msm
so it'll taste pretty bad
but I'm taking msm crystals in water now
rather than all pills
still use pills at work
and I'm using a natural vitamin c powder
I decided I could mix something myself
and save money
I'm thinking baobab, amla fruit
maybe noni
camu camu would be nice, but it's super expensive
maybe acerola cherry, maybe
but I don't want any maltodexetrin
and I'm not opposed to adding
something crazy
just for taste
still working on it