do you remember those cap guns toys
where you feed the red paper into the gun
and it slams a hammer down on the blister of whatever it was
i forgot totally
but i loved to play with those
and in one of my dreams recently
i was laying floor tile
that was sort of the same idea
you step on it
i loved the beach when i was a kid
and sometimes we'd go to west beach
which is private
or residential
but sometimes we'd go to
stewart beach
which had showers and cabanas
water slide
mini golf
i think they might have brought in
better or extra
because there was definitely
more walkable sand
in the dream i went to hear music
and then i met you in a restaurant
i can't remember all
the things on the menu
but most of them seemed to be endangered
the couple at the next table were fighting
something to do with dr. pepper lipsmacker
and i asked the waiter:
don't you have something
something like plain old shrimp
or better yet
something vegetable based
but he said: no
you ordered something that had a long
serial code name
like those scientific names for stars
and i ended up ordering b. writing
which i'm not sure how to take
but i woke up
and this is what i thought as i was drifting back off to sleep:
When people forgot her name, which they frequently did as she was a child and of no great consequence, they felt bad about it and tried to call it up perhaps so as not to hurt her feelings. The thing that struck her most about these attempts was not so much the attempts themselves, but rather the uniformity of the substituted names. Victoria or Virginia. Her first thought, for Victoria anyway, was that they knew it was one of those queen names, and was therefore a reasonable (if inaccurate) substitute (since her name was as well). Virginia, though. Taken together, she wondered if there was something about the V. Or, yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Virginia, still intrigued her. And you might think from all this that she's going to tell you her name, but you'd be wrong, if you thought that. She is trying to think of what to call herself. She does admit the intriguing pull of the V, but she isn't going there. At this point in her life she feels more like an M. No, that's not quite right. It needs to be a double M. One of those glorious alliteration names, you know, something that sounds almost too good to be true, but just off enough to actually be true...Mielle....Matar.... Matar Miel how's that? But no, all really amazing names are in pentameter, or maybe that's not quite right, but anyway five syllables. So, how to get another syllable in there. Oh wait. Miel is Spanish anyway, right, not french like Mielle so rather than going Matara or Miello, how about this... Matar de Miel. How's that for taking two names you've had floating around in your head and putting them to good use. Granted, depending on your language skills, it could take on a slightly blue edge...