Friday, July 30, 2010

master cleanse - days 2 & 3

not much to report
day 2 went pretty much the way of day 1
only the cravings were more diffuse
by which i mean
i just wanted to eat
i wasn't hungry, not really
at least nothing the lemonade wouldn't cure
but i wanted to eat anyway
just for the eating
nothing specific
nothing unhealthy even

so i thought that might mean
no vomiting
but it did not mean that

today i did the saltwaterflush
in the early evening
in hopes of washing away the toxins
no vomit tonight
fingers crossed

but really
i don't want the lemonade
i don't want it
the salt tasted almost good
i was down to 1 tablespoon of honey a day

still in a yucky place
i think it's like day 5
that you get all blissed out
come on day 5

when i weighed when i got up
i had lost 7 pounds
just now
i seemed to have gained back 4 of them
i really have to be careful with salt
that may be a reaction
i've had about a gallon of water (a little less)
but only 3 lemonades (so like 250 calories)
so we know i didn't gain weight on that
so one way or another its water

just letting you know
i didn't quit