idk if you want to hear about this or not
I don't typically want to hear
random physical blah blah
specific physical blah blah
that's sometimes interesting
I had intestinal distress Tues
almost didn't go to work
but then my merchandizer started texting me
40 cases coming in
well, we've got a new receiving method
that was supposed to start Monday
but the app wasn't on the phone
so I didn't order
just in case, ya know
but now 40 cases auto ship
has got to be Christmas
and I couldn't call Enrique and say
you're gonna be shorthanded
because I'm not coming in
oh, and btw, you have to receive
40 cases on the phone
if the app's there now
the instructions packet is on the desk
I mean, really
so I took a bunch of Pepto
and hoped for the best
yesterday I was off
my issues were no better
I took a bath
I went to bed early
no better
also dizzy
what I think they must mean by brain fog
I'm talkin to myself
and I'm using wrong words
and I'm like
wait, no, wtf
and it's taking 30 seconds or more
to dredge the right word
from my brain
I'm having similar electrical waves
similar to when you are
sending me electrical waves
these feel like they are trying
to pull me out of my skin
like I'm being taken over by aliens
like I might lose control of
my body
my last period was 8/8
no sign of blood now yet, though
I remember that as being uneventful
last time I texted my rep to say
no order today I'm out sick 7/26
I think I remember that
it was a mildly flu-like bug
that lots of people got
so not this
I tell you what
when I come out the other side of this
I better have super powers
or somethin
this sucks
why is all they tell you about
the hot flashes?!
still none of that, btw
hope your day is better than this
I love you sweetness