Thursday, September 13, 2018

kitty went to the vet
he doesn't like the vet
all the techs came through it ok
hopefully i'll get results on friday
then kitty came home
and i
went to the grocery store
and bought some stuff
including hurricane supply re-up-ment
i'm not expecting a hurricane
i was thinking about it
and better go ahead and get it
the Gatorade got pressed into service when i was sick
the tuna has gradually depleted recently
when i had a tuna sandwich streak
and some of the fruit cups and things
were expired

when i came home
kitty was greeting me at the door
and he has this thing where he lifts his paw up
and it's a sign language for something like
but this time he lifted one paw
and then the other
and it was weird
it was like john john saluting

i mean
obviously it wasn't
but it was, ya know

he super loves me
when we go to the vet
and then come home

the fostering left him a little scarred
he thought he had a home
and then he didn't, really

i think that's part of why it took him so long to trust me
when we go out
and come back
it reminds him that he loves me

he has lost a pound
he's fifteen pounds now
which was what i guessed
since he stands on me
and lays on me
it was a pretty educated guess

i love you sweetheart
i'm going to bed
just as soon as i finish this margarita