Wednesday, September 19, 2018

I didn't tell you about kitty
I got the one blood test back
pretty quickly
it said his fat in his blood
was still through the roof
it did reduce
it's still like 6 times what it's supposed to be
that is not conclusive on it's own
the pancreas numbers
they took forever to get back
and they are ok
which seems to mean
that the cat has an inability
to process fats
which is rare in cats
rather than that his pancreas
has been destroyed
thereby making him unable to process fats
it maybe just gets over worked
and then he has an acute episode
the episodes are dangerous
because of swelling and acids
and whatnot
every time he has one
he will be more damaged
there's no specific way
to deal with the fats
no specific treatment
which is effective for pancreatitis
the vet is going to call and ask a specialist
for advice
we'll see how that goes
I may switch him to a fish version
of the food he's eating
to remove the possibility of
his sensitivity to chicken protein
I'd prefer a more unique protein
but the fish is the only one
with the same fat level: 2.5%
the other novel proteins are 6% or 8%
and the fancy feast was only 5%
the one he was getting
full of grains
as were the temptations treats
which he was getting
many of
he hasn't been eating fish
I can't swear he hasn't had it ever
like I could with novel proteins

I just don't know

I really wish I'd gotten the insurance, though
you have to too late now

good morning sweetheart
I love you