Wednesday, June 20, 2018

I dreamed I was a young teenager
and I went to some weird school
I was just stuck there
but then
I got transferred to a new branch
or something
I rode on the truck at night
not really sure
of exact details
we stopped for gas
and the guy went somewhere
I'm all putting my legs up
on the dash board
and thinkin thoughts
I dont remember now
I was young and kinda oblivious
the dash flashed me a sign
tank too full for engine on
I didn't turn the car on
I didn't notice it was on, though
I hopped out of the car
it was making weird noises
and a person on the street said
smoke came out the front
I wondered if I had turned it off
or if it would explode
but then
the driver guy came back
and started the car
so yes
I must have turned it off
yay me

I woke up
with a headache

hope you are doing well
love you sweetheart