Wednesday, September 15, 2010

this is just jabber, but i'm feeling talky

so i went to see the switch
not because i really expected it to be good, exactly
i went to see it
because i want jason bateman to get more work
or rather
starring work
and it's not like i'm a jason bateman fan from way back or anything
but i watched arrested development a couple years ago
which i didn't innitially like
but it really grew on me


i actually think it was well crafted

in the first place
it was not really about the chick
which these chick flick movies usually are
it was about him
and it was
of course full of totally implausible shit
i mean, come on, it's a hollywood movie in the romantic comedy genre

but there was something kind of poetic

in the way he sort of found himself
or found his way out of himself, finally
or something

it's hard to explain

but it has to do with fatherhood
and being a man

and the fact that it's kind of poetic and hard to explain
i think
moves this film out of the ordinary

what i'm saying is
if you see it
let the formulaic crap just wash over you
just watch jason bateman and the kid (thomas robinson)

as a plus
it turns out
it's based on a short story
by jeffrey eugenides