last night's dream had a lot of elements
some of them really cool
some of them mildly upsetting
taken as a whole
i'm not sure what it means
and i was tempted
just to edit out
everything that wasn't overtly good
but it was all so weird
i figure it probably all means something
i was working someplace
and it kinda kept morphing during the dream
first, i think, it was some sort of retail shop
and we were always having to look through boxes
for things we needed
we didn't really need them
we were streamlining
in the process of doing that
we were automating systems online
so that gave us an excuse to be online
and this girl i knew well in the dream
who i don't actually know in real life
found this cd
by that musician
it was a project he did with a female musician
who in the dream is really famous
but who i've never heard of in real life
and the cd was being sold to raise funds for some project
and was really a good price
so we were excited about both ordering it
there was something i was trying to get to
and that kinda morphed too
now i was working in a coffee shop
and it was a movie i was trying to get to
i took the handset from the phone with me
so i could stay in touch
because i left early
i drove down a street by now familiar in my dreams
but which doesn't resemble anything from waking life
i felt guilty about leaving work
i got to the movie
i checked the phone
it wasn't working
i was sitting in the dark theater
about to watch this show
which was really important to me for some reason
but then i got this really strong sense
that something was wrong at work
i went back to work
only now it was a gallery space
there was a schizophrenic woman
or at least i thought in the dream that she was
who wouldn't come out of the restroom
because that was the only safe place
there were malevolent spirits:
everywhere else in the building
after much knocking
she'd stick her head out
declare it unsafe
and lock herself back in
after being back a few minutes
i realized she wasn't crazy
there was something going on
and the gallery emptied of people
got darker
i could see the dark energy
and i asked her:
are you sure it's still safe in there
and she came out
and then
i did this:
i assumed this pose
legs apart, knees bent
arms out to the sides
eyes closed
i entered the flow of the energy
but didn't let it enter me
i felt around for what was there with my mind
i sorta locked frequency with it
and screamed
but mentally
not audibly
on a frequency that would shatter it
when i opened my eyes
it was snowing
inside the gallery
that was the coolest bit
and this next bit
i'm not sure what to make of
i go from being this kinda powerful whatever
i have ten minutes to get back to the movie
only now it isn't a movie
it's that musician
the one i ordered the cd from
and he's doing this
what i guess i'd have to call a performance art piece
there are all these pieces of film (or something)
hanging on the wall
but maybe they aren't film
maybe they are something else
because i am expecting them to make music
or pictures
or something
and just pieces of film wouldn't do that
so i'm not sure this makes a lot of sense
someone at my table is talking to me
this musician apparently has a new cd
something that started as just like a
whatever you call a disc with just like four tracks
i can't think of what you call that now
but it, his concept, kept growing
and now
it was being released
and being considered
i was looking at it
it seemed thick
but i'm not sure if it was two discs
or had a book with it
or what
and the cover
it looked different than anything he's ever done
it was solid
spanish white
or something
with a band of writing
and the only decorative element was the edge of the band
and he was talking
the musician
i mean
but i was having a hard time hearing
i was distracted by
the cd
the film or whatever it was on the wall
which suddenly burst into flames
which he didn't seem to notice
and i said:
is it supposed to be on fire
because i sorta thought it wasn't
and i couldn't stand for anything he had done
to be destroyed
and he looked at me
kinda disdainfully
and said:
i guess some people think i don't know what i'm doing
and it hurt me
it hurt me bad
and it embarrassed me
and it made me really angry
and i got up
and i stomped out
right past him
and i went to the balcony theater
because it isn't like i wasn't gonna watch it
i just wanted to be by myself
but the balcony was showing something else
because it wasn't a movie, of course
it was real live whatever it was supposed to be
so i had to suck it up
and stomp right back in
walking right past him
yeah that really showed him