i haven't posted any
i have had some
it's been hard for me to remember
there was the horse
swimming across the lake
there have been
about a billion
(i'm exaggerating)
of coffee shops
last night
i dreamed
about a plate
i had made sausages
from exotic meats
with a chicken sauce
to be honest
didn't taste quite right
it tasted sweet somehow
but the food was only and afterthought, really
the plate
the plate was painted
i had painted it
it was the sea
at sea
and there was
a yellow butterfly
and a green snake in or on the water
and a line
the line took forever to paint
i guess it was a small brush
but the meditative quality of the thing
like the paint absorbed quickly into the plate
wet on wet
wet on dry
like sumi ink
spilling into the butterfly
making it bolder
highlighting the S shape of the snake
and below the line
i wrote something
something that was for another
something important
but i can't remember what
but i need the plate
and it was still covered with food
the sausages in buns like hot dogs
so i washed the plate
and almost all the color washed away
now the plate was carved
mostly white
with tiny rainbow colored dashes
where the paint had permeated the ceramic
and i thought
well really
maybe it's better
and i went to a window counter
to register for a photography class
behind the counter was a young indian man
(india indian)
and he told me that his company
was the one that set up the rooms
at this particular continuing education center
and so he'd fix it where i didn't need to pay
and i wasn't sure
i was comfortable with that
but i wasn't sure what to do about it