i've been trying to remember
all the parts of my last-night's-dream
but i can't remember all of it
and i'm not sure that i'm getting the order right
hopefully it doesn't matter
there was one part where i
was looking in a mirror
but i don't think it looked like me
and i was removing make-up
like mascara and eyeliner
which i'm pretty sure that i'd slept in
i was in one of those "women's lounge" rooms in a public restroom
with the huge wall mirror
and someone was telling me that china was a developed country
because they used the same make-up removers that we do here
which probably isn't true
and seems a really strange method for measuring development
so, what does that mean
no clue
then there was some guy
and he called me on my cell
and he seemed to think that i had some sort of
web-publishing house or something
and he was trying to send me a file, but he didn't know how
and he gave me this number, but it wasn't enough digits
which turned out to be a skype phone number
and he seriously confused me, but i think he thought
that somehow i was going to make him famous or something
so, what does that mean
no clue
then there was this other part
and i think it might have been kinda long, but i'm not sure
it was kinda a strange format too
it was supposed to be
a new tori amos song
but it was more like a combination movie
where i was seeing the elements of the song
and kinda also like i was tori amos writing the song
and me hearing the song, except not, exactly, all happening at once
and it/she/i was talking about how
people think that life is all flash and party and whatever
but that really
what she was doing
rather than all the things people thought she was doing
was sitting in an all night diner
hiding in a corner booth
watching the people
talking to the waitresses
and eating peach cobbler
the peach cobbler
featured very heavily
in the lyrics
like the peach cobbler
somehow represented the experience
of what
i'm not totally sure
maybe the late night coffee shop experience
maybe the people she was watching
maybe the people who were imagining her life
maybe her life itself
maybe life in general
i'd really like to know
where i can get peach cobbler in the middle of the night
but then i got to thinking about peach cobbler
i've had peach cobbler experiences that were good and that were bad
if the peaches are canned or they add too much goo or the crust is yucky
then peach cobbler sucks
if they use real peaches and don't add much goo and the crust is yum
then peach cobbler is awesome
it has this full range of flavor
bitter, sweet, tart, slightly salty-buttery-crusty-whatever-you-call-it
and it is the best cobbler, i think
and i've been trying all day
to remember how that all came together to make a song
and i can't remember
maybe i was just hungry in my sleep
and filled in peach cobbler
maybe it has some deep symbolism
i really don't have a clue