Monday, September 4, 2023


I swept
& mopped
from 10 am 
to 4 pm


I am driving to Fort Worth
to see the Motherwell show

I have rented the car
there will be driving


I decided I didn't want to be
just like trying to get meals on the fly
I thought I might do that fast mimicking diet
I couldn't make myself spend $170
on minestrone instant soup
and crackers
and olive snacks
I made my own

it may not work as well
but I bet it does
Prolon sells the bars separately
I got a box of 12 coconut macadamia

for the crackers I ordered
Stockans Orchney Beremeal Oatcakes
for the olives I ordered
Kiwi Artisan Manuka Wood Smoked
Mixed Green & Black Olives

for the soups I ordered
Moong Pani Mung Bean Sipping Broth
(in a couple of flavors)
and the instant Miso I used to have 
back in the day

I'm doing chlorella & wheatgrass tablets
but I can't do as many as I would like

the concept is you eat food
so you're not weak or whatever
but you have to keep your numbers low enough
because if you activate one of the
 three pathways
you will NOT get that sweet sweet

They get "algal oil"
I been wanting to try that Orlon stuff

it's 725 calories a day
which is not a lot
if I feel unsafe at any point
I will just eat something

I did five day no food fasts in highschool
I did the Master Cleanse in 2010
and went to a job interview on day
like 6 or 7

I think I will be fine

The bars are too intense for me
I was trying it out for breakfast
I only ate half

the oatcakes have a wee bit of barley in em
don't they
they are delicious
when consumed with a cup of pu erh

I'm looking forward to the sipping broth 

Have Fun!