Thursday, July 25, 2019

nostalgia hit me in the pan

i gotta stop with the pots and pans
but i've really been enjoying it
the hunt, ya know
when i decided that the chicken fryer wasn't gonna work for popcorn
didn't test it out, mind, just decided
i've been going back and forth in my mind
because what i want
is an old club pan (or pot maybe in this case)
i grew up cooking with them
learned to cook with them
they are great pans
they are aluminum

does aluminum cause alzheimers?
but i've always had a--  well, it doesn't hurt to just avoid it then, does it
but the other half of me piped up:

but have ya though
because you use "tin foil"
and you buy the shit at the store in the "pie plates"
tea, apparently, is rife with it
or some shit

so i ask you
how selectively are you going to avoid aluminum?

i broke down
i didn't get green
that's what is in my heart
i still love that avocado green 70s stuff
that is not what i got
i didn't get the brown either
i got

harvest gold

which i think will look good with the blue
and the new red pot
i think it's so very beautiful
not as cheap as i hoped
they are semi indestructible pans
so they hold their value

goodnight sweetheart
i love you very much