Friday, July 27, 2018

something you probably don't know about me
my resting body temperature
is not 98.6
I'm not sure exactly what it is
I never think to take it
unless I feel feverish
which I did
I have chills
it's 100 outside
I took my temperature
I think I have fever
I think it's normally
93 or something
you can't tell doctors that
I once tried
that basal whatever whatever method
to test when you're ovulating
I was much younger
and sleeping with a guy
who didn't keep his waterbed heated
I swear
when I woke up
and took my temperature
it was like 63 or something
he started mocking me about bein a corpse
and I decided
there was no need to know
exactly when I was fertile

going to bed
I love you sweetheart