Sunday, November 19, 2017

so many dreams, but i don't remember much

fragments, really
in one
there was some
contest, race I think
and I know I had to keep
making body postures
and that somehow
created bones
or something
representing meals
it was weird

there was lots of random stuff
the park I went to as a child

and then
there was my father
he was younger
maybe my age
and my brother was also younger
I'm not sure if I was or not
I was twenty when my dad was my age
he was born in 37
I was born in 67
we were sitting in front of a fireplace
I don't think
anywhere we ever actually lived
I only lived with my father
until I was ten
I'm not sure what was going on
he seemed happy
he wanted me to take his picture
which I did
and when I looked at it later
it was blurry
although I'm sure he had been
facing me and smiling
the picture showed
him turned away
and barely distinguishable
he could have been anybody

I was trying to remember
a story I wanted to tell you
and what comes to mind
after this dream
is the
are you sure you're ok story
which i may have told you
but I don't think so