Sunday, June 11, 2017

i went to see wonder woman today

i feel
validated as a woman

that's ridiculous
it's a movie

wonder woman was very important to me
and that whole linda carter thing
i mean
not to dis her
and it was another time
there was always that cheese cake kinda vibe
not a warrior

what the 70s show did well
was the whole rescue the man while
not being too obvious about it
dove tailing with the changing zeitgeist

what i wanted
was wonder woman

i was worried that it would be long
it's like over 2 and a half hours
it was awesome

gal gadot was amazing
she was strong and without one drop of flirty girly whateverness
she like oozed nobility
that's what

they could have taken more time to develop
some of her revelations about people and humanity
but what was there was well done
i cried through much of it

i walk this line of alienation
it seems like everything that "women like" i can't relate to
i mean
not exactly
but kinda, ya know

i've got a minor in women's studies
i've read a lot of books on transgender

i do not think i'm a man

i just think man is the much much better option
i'm not really sure what women mean when they say they feel like women
or, for that matter
what transgendered people mean when they say
they feel like one gender trapped in the other body

what i am saying
is what does any of that have to do with you or me or whatever
i feel like me
and that just doesn't have much to do with sex or gender
because the things that constitute me
don't fit into a box
and i don't expect that they should

i have to admit
i'm pretty male identified
{if anybody even uses terminology like that anymore}
which doesn't mean
identify as a male

watching that movie
for maybe the first time watching a movie
i thought

i feel like a woman

i can't really explain
any more clearly than that
there it is