just in case you look here
i want you to know
i went to dinner with bita tonight
i told her some more
of my insanity
doesn't know for sure
whether or not she wants to be a doctor
i told her i thought i had a novel in me
talked about what i think a novel is
well, that's settin the bar pretty high, she said
and, i said
i don't have much drive or motivation to write it
because i don't know what the thing i'm trying to say
i don't know what the message is
and plus
if it's not going well
if i'm not engrossed in the story
i get bored
want to throw it away
start something else
i feel like it's in me
and i would like to prove that to myself
she hasn't seen any of the movies
or television
or anything
that's a touchstone reference point for me
i said something to her
and she's like
that's good
let's stop there
that's great, i like that
that's really positive
here's what i said:
you're young
you are at the point now
where you can look out and see the horizon of possibilities
as you go along
your focus tightens up
you can only see down to a focal point
if you look up
the whole horizon of possibilities is still out there