Tuesday, March 29, 2016


I busted out that 1.7 liter bottle of tequila
the one I bought when you broke my heart
and my father died
I drank more than half of it back then
and in the ensuing years
I've had recreational margaritas
like three or four times
I think
I'm gonna buy
another bottle
probably not that big
one can always buy more
if necessary
the cat's not dead
he's ok-ish
for now

Monday, March 28, 2016

hoping to get my car back today

I hope you are doing ok
I feel exhausted and a little overwhelmed
the cat is a little better
I can't really go into
the forms of intervention he requires
he was catatonic for a whole day after
and I have to do it again tonight
fingers crossed
sorry to be cryptic
love you

Sunday, March 27, 2016

doll dreaming

I fell asleep on the sofa
petting my cat
and I dreamed
about antique stores with giant doll houses
I woke up
my back hurt
I had to go to actual bed
I dreamed
a really strange dream

I went somewhere with you
and I was injured, so I was in a wheel chair
and we saw a show or something, together

then you were talking to Norm MacDonald
who, in the dream, was your friend
he was telling you
that you really shouldn't be seen with me
and you were telling him
I wish I could remember the exact words
because it was beautiful

I was you light
or something like that
but you elaborated

he looked at me
he fucks everything up
all his opportunities

yeah, maybe, I say
I've certainly noticed a trend
what can I say
I love him

I'm not sure
if Norm was happy
or exasperated with that answer

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

very groggy today

I'm upping my msm
I stopped taking everything while I was sick
except the sick meds
I haven't been able to get everything
back to how it was before
I was on very minimal
maintenance dosages
I feel dehydrated
I want a back massage
and a pep talk

I love you
have a good day today sweetheart

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

it doesn't make sense

I came in later
I got more sleep
I'm more exhausted
achey {sp?}
I'm just less into this whole change-over thing
I want my ink to come
I want to play
I have to figure out which purse
I (of course) want a new one
I have one I like
but it's rigid and the locker was destroying it
I have one I don't like the handles on
it was a gift
I could get it altered
pretty sure the shoe hospital does that
not sure what it'd cost
maybe I could get a bigger sakroots bag
don't know
don't want to be here

love you

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

i started writing with a fountsin pen in college

I found one at the drug store that was five dollars
cartridges were cheap too
fun colors
pens and inks
I would get this recycled paper
that just sucked up the ink
and take notes galore
I could switch the cartridge without missing a beat
at some point
they stopped selling my five dollar pens
and although I have had others
including some expensive montblancs
I don't really like to carry around expensive stuff
I feel more comfortable
if it doesn't have to be precious

finding these inks
that come with a free pen
is quite exciting
then I ordered a twenty dollar pen too
not too precious
I love fountain pens
and I haven't written with one in years
I got on this manga pen kick
kinda lost my way
since I've had the smart phone
and the tiny purse
I haven't been carrying a journal
I miss it
it's a thing, ya know

Monday, March 7, 2016

i'm at work

isn't that crazy
and like

i woke up to pee

I'm dreaming about fountain pen ink

i'm working overnight today thru wednesday

I'm not enjoying it all that much
it isn't that bad either

love you

Friday, March 4, 2016

good morning sweetheart

have a really good day
I'm going to try
to have a good day too
maybe the act of trying
will make it better

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

i dreamed i went to a french gynecologist

I was younger
and thinner
and he handed me a small comb
with hair dye to dye my pubic hair
kind of a burgundy color
then he filled me up with
some kind of foam
I think I got some kind of shot
I looked at myself
in the mirror
I was pleased

I'm not sure what that's about
I did see a scary commercial
for vaginal atrophy
last night
before I fell asleep
on the sofa
I had this dream right before I woke up
just now

there was also
short order cook
my dad shitting on the floor
of his therapists bathroom
refusing to clean it up
and swimming poorly in deep water

what does any of that mean