Thursday, December 18, 2014

i'm tired and busy

and i want to be talking to you more

i'm sorry about that

not like
i apologize
i'm sorry
for me as much as for how it might make you feel

i like to talk to you
there is more to the marta story
that was just thew intro
we didn't even get to the dark yet
we were just establishing her as, like, a seer

the flashes
in my head
of the contained jungle
the questions i'm trying to answer
about what catalyst
[drug, no drug, whatever]
to incite the visions
since i haven't taken any of those drugs
it would be better not to pretend to know anything about them

if you can
i would really be happy
if you could visit me in dreamland
i miss the crazy cosmic physical not physical stuff

it's harder to feel you when i don't get high
and i haven't
not for months and months