Friday, December 17, 2010

that thyroid stuff really works

i've been taking it
like three days
and i've lost six pounds
i'm opening the capsules
under my tongue
first thing in the morning
and they have dessicated glandular stuff
with rosemary
(and other stuff)
they kinda remind me of liver
but i have to take them on an empty stomach
and i know it takes capsules
more than 30 minutes to dissolve
and i eat breakfast now-a-days
so i gotta do it that way

i'm very excited
i am now
thirty pounds thinner than you have ever seen me
which is not to say thin
definitely a ways to go still
but i'm pretty pleased with the progress

and you should see my skin

i mean
it's not twenty year old skin

but it makes me smile anyway

how is it that when i was a kid
i had a posed smile i could do for pictures
but now i don't
i just have my real smile
and it squnches up my whole face
how the hell am i gonna get any head shots