Monday, March 15, 2010

this is not a dream, this is random information i feel the need to share, apparently

when i was like 24
i had one of those tests done
the kind that tells you how much of you
is bone and muscle and guts
(ie not fat)
which test i repeated about 4 years ago
with identical results
so i'm gonna say that's a constant for me
probably hasn't changed much
i have 155 pounds of bone and muscle and guts
which is a lot
for a girl
i'm not saying that my percentage fat isn't too high
i'm not saying i'm just big bone-ded
not at all
whenever i think of it
i think
what i'd like to do
is get down to 15 percent fat
that's like an athlete for a woman
(although, of course, some athletes are less)
but normal for a woman is like 20-30 percent
that means
my ideal weight
would be 178-180 pounds
if i wanted to be average
like a 10-12
i'd be 200 pounds