i had this dream
i was living in an apartment
in an old building that had been renovated
i had a roommate
and we were discussing how to change things
we had not just a vacuum and a carpet shampooer
but also two other devices that looked the same
and i hate the way those look sitting around
and in the dream i found a way to put them between the sofa and the wall
when in real life i do not have a sofa
there was much of that:
what pictures should go where type of thing
and then
i had an appointment with someone
i can't remember how i got the appointment
or just what the context was
but the place i had to go was in my same building
the door i was looking for
had a key-- like an old skeleton key-- jammed into the wood of the door
the apartment had not been renovated
it was amazing
the front room had records on shelves along one wall
and an odd assortment of collected items on a perpendicular wall
the ceiling was dropped in this area creating an alcove
perfect for sitting on the floor
then there was an iron frame bed
and a table with two chairs
but it was a pretty big room
then, on the right was a library or study
and on the left was a kitchen
with a stove that seemed like 1930s futurism
it curved
it had a hinged lid that lifted up
and it had a zillion jets of fire continually going
it looked a little like one of those giant 1930s automobiles
then there was the dining room
there was a steam table (also 1930s)
with a deep well of boiling hot water
i must not have seen the bathroom
the whole place was wood
wood floors, wood walls, wood shelves
the appliances were enamel over steel
i fell in love with the apartment
and then the guy showed up that i had the appointment with
he was very tall
and thin
and i think he was supernatural in some way
i know i knew a lot more about him
but i can't remember now
i started staying at his place
i think i was in love with him
but i know i was in love with his place
i would pick up his weird collection of objects
and make up stories in my head about how he acquired them
and then one day
this asian guy shows up
and really
it turns out to have been his place all along
he'd been letting the other guy use his place
but now he was back
and i was confused
because the place was so intimately connected to my feelings
i wasn't sure who i loved now
does that make sense
and the asian guy (sorry, don't know his name) he sat down
i was on the bed and he pulled the table around
so it was between the bed and his chair, distancing maybe
or maybe trying to be business-like
but, suddenly then, i had a thought:
you're him, aren't you, i asked
somehow you are the same person
even though you look completely different
even though you're telling me different
excuse me, he said, and went out into the hallway
and i heard him talking to someone:
she's going to figure it all out
she knows too much already