Tuesday, November 24, 2009

stuff i can remember from my dreams

i have had some weird images in my dreams
when i woke up this morning
i felt like my fever had broken
although i hadn't really thought i had one

my hair was thin
like it had fallen out in clumps
i covered it with a veil
i covered the veil with dried fruits
there was something somewhat religious about it
or maybe it was holy, i'm not sure

i've had several where i was playing, or developing
computer games
and some where that mixed with the dream
some avatar pre-view inspired mash-up
"devil's lily pods"

i was working in san antonio
at an outdoor event
putting makeup on people
i left the table to go get sunblock so i wouldn't burn
it kept alternating between blinding sun
and rain rain rain

in another i was being audited by a company
for which i no longer worked, but they didn't seem to realize
and the the auditor really liked me
it was affecting her work and making me uncomfortable
i was living at my mother's house
but it wasn't much like her house actually looks
i went into the bathroom
there were shells stuck to the walls
they were all white like plaster
there was some netting trailing off the walls as well

it's all been less than coherent
though some of it has been fun
devil's lily pods involves lots of swinging through the air
there's a dream that i had before i got sick
that i wrote in my journal, but haven't gotten here yet
and i'll try to do that soon

this morning i thought you snagged me
just for a minute there
like being pulled out of body
it might have just been a wishful quaking
if i'm lucky
maybe i'll dream of you tonight