Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Last night
I dreamed I was sitting for some kind of an exam that were a whole bunch of us
And we were doing it but it wasn't going to count
Or didn't have to count
Or something
And generally I felt like I did pretty well
And we all felt like we did pretty well
So much so that some of us are going to go take it again
At the Astrodome I think so that we could get the credit for it
But during the exam
I kept trying to figure something out
I was like something that Capricorns aren't good at something that Capricorns aren't good at and something to do with the number 4
And I never did figure out what that was about
But I did feel really good generally about how I did on the exam
I know where some other people there that I knew
We used in the dream I knew them
And we were all younger like college age I guess

Then when I was going to leave to go to the Astrodome I ended up catching a ride with this other guy
Who looks just like the guy who was the werewolf from Buffy I can't remember his name now

I don't really know what to make of that