Wednesday, February 20, 2013

date night

i'm having a little trouble

i picture us on a boat
first i thought a sailboat
i don't know how to sail
and, anyway
i don't want us to be busy with maintaining the environment

so then i thought ferry
but then
we are going somewhere
and i thought about the ferry from seattle to
what is it, bainbridge island
i don't want it to be going to dinner on the ferry
i want to be on the boat

then i thought:
well what does that leave
cruise ship, slightly yuck factor there

maybe it's a big boat
not as big as a cruise ship
and there aren't many other people around


there is a band, somewhere nearby
playing softly
some vaguely

yeah the lanterns are good
keep the lanterns
lose the onlookers

dancing was what i was thinking
maybe not exactly like this
i pictured it
a little more
holding and swaying
maybe looking into your eyes a little

and then
the ship is out
away from the land
and the sky has been a little foggy
but then it clears, suddenly
or maybe we just look up just then
because the music has stopped
and it's natural to look

the stars are swirling and the sky is midnight blue
and then
like reflections from another world
the aurora borealis
glittering green

you take my hand
you know i love you, right
you ask my hand as i stare enraptured at the sky
it's nice to hear you say it though
i smile
and what would you like to do about that romeo