Sunday, April 11, 2010

warning: graphic female content

i had been having that surging i told you about before
and, truthfully, i can't isolate the cause to one thing
but it seemed kinda out of place
in the absence of any direct stimuli
and by yesterday afternoon
it was so distracting
that i had to go take a shower
and i'm thinking:
something i'm eating or taking as a supplement
is really revving things up
or some combination of things
but today
today i know exactly what it was
though still not why exactly

here's some girl-type background, sorry
i have always hated happy happy blood time
i thought it was a crappy deal when i was eleven
and i never really changed that attitude
but it always gave me a heads up before it started
from eleven until my mid-twenties i got an unexplained
pain in my lower back
i'd be like:
what did i lift
and then i'd be like:
oh, yeah, right
because even though it was always like uber regular
it's not like i was keeping track or anything
because i was pretending that
if i ignored it
it might go away
and, i'm sorry for the graphic detail, it was always 30 days
so it would be
most months
on the same numeric date
but i still needed the heads up-- go figure
well, in my mid-twenties, it changed
and i don't know how much you know about the female cycle
the hormones
but right before happy happy blood time
there is a BIG progesterone flood
which would trigger like ravenous sex drive
which became my new heads up
but some time after my little biological clock disappointments
the whole thing switched
it wasn't 30 days anymore
it was "irregular"
which it really wasn't but it took me years to figure that out
i'd expect it on day 30
it would be late
late enough that i'd worry
buy a pregnancy test
not be pregnant
then start
a couple days later
which when i bothered to check it out
was 40 days (still regular)
well, fewer periods were fine with me
great, in fact

that surging i was feeling
it was progesterone
today is day 32

and i just went back and read about hormones again
and it is possible
that i am not quite right about it
i distinctly remember
at the time
being convinced that it was progesterone
but, really, i don't care what it's called
it's responding
the way it did when i was like 25