Saturday, December 12, 2009

pool, tub, blanket

the first part was kinda sketchy
or rather
my memory of it is, sketchy, that is
i was giving gifts of clothes and jewelry
to my top five performers
current, under-rated, and, mostly, film
some were grateful
some were leery
one girl was very leery
but then
i was a yenta
and i introduced her to
someone perfect for her
and she forgot all about the gift

i was in a pool
i was doing something
some sort of underwater
near out of body experience
like when i did flips over and over when i was a kid
only different than that, but with thrashing
and then i surfaced and climbed the ladder, blissed out
but as i walked around the pool
i saw my friend
or drowned
and i called her jenny
she looked like mia kirshner
but more like she looked in exotica
and she was kind of jack-knifed, her ass the only part above water
and i pulled her out
i pressed the water from her lungs
and then i pressed my mouth to hers, and blew breath into her
she awoke, aroused
and low
there was writhing and kissing and altered visions

you had dozens of young girls
beautiful nubile adoring
following you
your every move
worshipping you, almost
and i thought:
well of course
and i thought:
i hope it makes him feel powerful, godlike
strokes his ego
because that's important
i want him to have that
and i turned and started to go
and then i saw you
wrapped in two blankets
sitting in a tub of water