Friday, July 24, 2009

many layered lotus

this dream was different than any i can remember having
it was more like a meditation
or a received image
i went to bed earlier than i have been
and this dream ended with waking me
at least i think it did
but maybe i dreamed waking
it was that kind of dream

i went to a shop or dispensary or what-have-you
and i bought this thing
now, i'm not sure how to describe this thing
it was sort of a seed pod
but not like anything i've ever seen
it was shaped something like an acorn
but also something like a pine cone
about the size that i could easily hold in one hand
the size of a very small apple maybe
while i used the other hand to peel it
maybe peel is the wrong word
it had this elaborate honeycombed parchment cover
and i was laying on the bed, on my stomach, pulling
the bits of parchment off one at a time
like the little doors on advent calendars
there was a small television playing
some after-school-special version of romeo and juliet
and the dangers of adolescent love
how it ends in death
but somehow that was a good thing
and anyway the television was background noise
and as i pulled the covering away
i could begin to see inside the seed pod
it looked like this stuff i got a couple a times
blueberry i think she called it
with these beautiful little golden hairs
and my entire body started to sort of vibrate
and i wondered
if it was really just with the anticipation of
getting into this pod finally
or if maybe there wasn't something
something in the peeling of it
that was
in itself