Wednesday, June 26, 2013


the last few nights
i haven't retained my dreams past waking
about a grocery store

last night

i was my sister
and you were your brother
and we were in a room
but we weren't alone

and you're all like:
hey, what's wrong with you

and i'm all like:
see that guy over there, he's my gynocologist
and it's making me uncomfortable to see him here

there was weed smoking going on in the room
[for the record, i would never have a male gyno-- eeeww]
this guy seemed like a used car salesman
and there was some reason
i'd had to find one quick
and he'd been it
but i wasn't comfortable with him
especially not socially

i looked at you
and you were different
than you look
you, or your brother, rather
looked like this guy
and when i went looking for pictures
this was the first one i found
which is some bizarre synchronicity
so i include it here

maybe we were smoking weed
or maybe not
but we did this thing
where we breathed into each other

it tasted

does that seem right