Thursday, June 24, 2010

streets, model streets, lipstick perpetually, and comments from sister glo

i was at a parking-lot-street-festival
this was some time ago now
i walked through once, twice, three times
each time passing sister glo
before finally settling
in her folding butterfly chair
i knew you would stop, she said
hell, we all knew i would stop
it was just a matter of when
when were you born, she asked, i answered
oh, then you'll want to hear about career and money
why don't you tell me about love and destiny
but she couldn't help herself:
you're an idea person-- you're like a walking advertising agency

the dreams have been scattered, disjointed
more than a few apartments
paintings four or five only to a good sized wall
covering all the walls
paintings that don't look like anything i've ever done
i think they're characters i created
one is in front of a building of waffling glass
and all around the room
is the thickest chair rail i've ever seen

a friend buys an arcade game for me
it is pink
the game is the life of an anime girl and her dog
but it is difficult to play
i have no skills
it cost $1500.
though i'm not sure why that's important
can i exchange it for tempest
(i can play that)

i am forever in and out of the apartments of others
it seems
secretly so
but there isn't much i can say about that
then i'm walking through a street
it seems so familiar in it's near dark dusk
buildings seamless in the undulating street
familiar but foreign
in either place or time
and the persons on the street
i don't make eye contact
but i'm running
or skipping
as excited as i am afraid
and as i slip through the possibly dangerous street
i am applying a new lipstick i have purchased
and i continue
through the course of the dream
every few minutes
maybe my lips are dry
maybe i'm licking the color away
i don't know
but i'm forever reapplying

last night
i dreamed you were on a television show
i want to say morning
but to be honest, i'm not sure
i'm basing that on a view out the window
view out the window is a model of the city
in motion
like at the beginning of mr roger's neighborhood
except that it's a city
and i want to say it's new york
but i'm not sure about that either
because i don't see landmarks i can identify
you know
it's a big city, seems like
and it's a television show
so i assume, i guess
and you're being interviewed with another man
and it's a big deal
i'm very happy for you
if that's allowable

and as i turn to walk away
sister glo turns to me and says:
you know
i used to be in casting
has anyone ever told you...