Wednesday, May 31, 2017

i've been up almost 24 hours

I worked inventory
I got up at 1:40am
I am now going to sleep
my cat's a little miffed
he sleeps on me
and he's very tired from sleeping all day
not in the bed

love you

This Is Just To Say

This Is Just To Say
By William Carlos Williams

I have eaten

the plums

that were in

the icebox

and which

you were probably


for breakfast

Forgive me

they were delicious

so sweet

and so cold

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

i hope you're ok

and not offended again
sometimes people are young
and they don't look too closely
at the people telling them they've got
heaps and piles of talent
sometimes later
they get woke

doesn't excuse
what they did before they got woke
once you're up
eyes wide shut
maybe doesn't work anymore

Saturday, May 27, 2017

good night

Friday, May 26, 2017

i'm redoing/kondoing

I moved in where I live
and then my father died
and you did that thing
it slowed me down
then it flooded
I just gave up
it's never really been styled
I'm changing what i want
so gradually
you'll get pictures
I think
there's a little horder gene in me
and I'm going to purge it
I'm gonna get my shit together
maybe not

I love you

Saturday, May 20, 2017

now that he's healed up enough that i can really see

he is missing teeth
I can't see how
he probably was hit by a car
and I want to complain that he's
permanently maimed
I have to say
I think his new nick name is lucky
I don't see how it's possible
to have been hit
and only sustain
the damage he did

poor kitty
and he's
so far
got no interest in going out

Sunday, May 14, 2017

my cat was pretty distractingly injured

I've been letting him
go outside
because I don't want to be his jailor (sp?)
well he came rushing back in
all bloody in the face
it's not that he caught something
it's his blood
it looks like he got hit by a bus
that couldn't be what happened
because it is just one side of his mouth
and just on the bottom
it stopped bleeding on it's own
not pulsing or dripping
so he can't need stitches
he let me look at it
no growling or biting
no serious outburst
so I don't think anything's broken
I can't tell that he's missing any teeth
but there's this droopy look
that made me think
surely all of that was going on
he's my baby
so my first instinct was to snatch him up
and take him to the emergency vet
since, of course, this all happened
after I got home from work on Saturday
I can't afford the emergency vet
so, unless it's really warranted I can't do that

maybe he was chasing something
and ran into a wall
maybe he somehow got caught in the revolving door
at the building across the street
maybe he fell

none of those seems quite right
I cannot eliminate them with factual data
like I have the other things
he did come out and try to eat
when I woke up from my computer table
[I got rid of the sofa]
I moved the computer to the dining table
with a big chair
I still fall asleep
just slumped forward instead of back

he couldn't eat much though
he seemed to want me to do something then

I'm pretty unsettled by this
he looks like rocky after a bad bout