Wednesday, August 31, 2016

goodnight baby

I've been listening
to that one thing

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

goodnight sweetheart

I'm exhausted
from being with her
I have to go to bed now
I have to go to work in the morning
I wish
I loved her more

Monday, August 8, 2016

Sunday, August 7, 2016

it's good, that book

I'm most of the way through it

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Chit Chat Summer

everyone on instagram is taking pictures in sunglasses
otherwise known, apparently, as "sunnys"
apparently makes me cringe
idk why shades is ok
but sunnys is so horrible
I would want to walk away and never
talk to someone again
if they described their headgear as sunnys
it's not a newness thing
I like new
I had to talk myself down
a few years ago
over gum
"fire" it was called
I wanted cinnamon gum
I would have accepted cinnamon
or even redhot
which has the advantage of being
something I grew up hearing
I really gave it much thought
and besides the shit is usually red
and always like a hot cinnamon
"fire" doesn't describe cinnamon
fire is not a good flavor word
I do not want fire gum-- it turns me off
it's just a bullshit marketing word
I told myself
like arctic blast, shit like that
yeah, but i don't like that either

you liked green squall
yeah, well
that had poetry

but it didn't describe the flavor
you're counting points
for phrases you personally like

isn't that what marketing is all about
and I don't want to reward "fire" gum

ok, do you want some fucking cinnamon gum?
because, if you do, you got to buy the fire
it should taste like smoke
smoked cinnamon gum!
I would totally buy that

fine, just get the Shaun White gum
that doesn't seem to offend you

it's like that
in my head

to me
doesn't sound cool
or neutral
or whatever
it sounds overtly plastic
in a way I find kinda skin crawly

I am also not fond of the term
"it literally gives me life"
which all the youtubers seem to use
meaning: this makes me happy
happiness is important
no doubt
just really hate that turn of a phrase

people feel that way about awesome
